Agents and showrooms QUEENSLAND & NORTHERN NSW LUXE AGENCY Showroom:2/5 Byres StNewstead QLD Showroom – Joce Ridgwaym. 0409 991 559Email Joce Feauina Eves m. 0406 991 741Email Fe VISIT NEW SOUTH WALES &AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY AGENCY PLUS Ian McClellanm. 0405 306 469 Email Ian VICTORIA THE AGENT GROUP Showroom by appointment:119 Green StreetCremorne VIC Adam Brownm. 0412 109 685Email Adam VISIT TASMANIA TOP SHELF AGENCIES Christiana Szczerba m. 0409 349 869 Email Christiana SOUTH AUSTRALIA LINDA VIVIAN AGENCIES Showroom by appointment:196 Fisher StMalvern AdelaideLinda Vivianm. 0412 166 609Email Linda WESTERN AUSTRALIA & NORTHERN TERRITORY Bella & Blanc Showroom:8 Southport StreetWest Leederville PerthDee Prowsem. 0414 437 633Email DeeOfficep. 08 9381 9944Email Office VISIT CORPORATE SALES & AUSTRALASIA (INCL. NZ) ENJOY LIVING HEAD OFFICE Lisa Carrick m.+61 407 303 883 p. +61 7 3187 8957 Email Lisa PO Box 8688 Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726 enjoylivingofficial Home of Uyuni Lighting Flameless Candles and EKTA Living Collections. Wholesale, trade & international enquiries welcome. As another remarkable year draws to a close, we sh 18,000 stunning flameless candles 4 strong lads ( Uyuni Lighting The only comprehensive collection o Creative Layering Aesthetically pleasing, archite Uyuni Lighting Quattro Blocks, in stock now at a n Snapshots from @reedgiftfairs Melbourne showcasing Load More Follow on Instagram